Tribunal hearings are held at a District Court or a hearing centre. You must bear in mind in other situations the rule whereby, without prejudice to the provisions of conventions and special laws, no decision on private rights delivered by a foreign court or by foreign arbitrators is effective in Portugal, whatever the nationality of the parties, without being reviewed and confirmed.
This application must be accompanied by: a) a document authorising the Portuguese State to act on behalf of the applicant or to designate another representative for this purpose; b) a copy of the decision which satisfies the necessary conditions of authenticity; c) in the case of a decision given in the absence of the respondent or his legal representative, a document which establishes that the respondent was duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document; d) if necessary, any document which establishes that, in accordance with the law of the State of origin, the decision is enforceable; e) if possible, a statement indicating the likely whereabouts of the child in the State and proposals as to how the custody of the child should be restored.
Even though the social impact of the war, which translated into an increasingly anti-war public opinion, is hard to reconstruct given the dictatorial nature of the political system in force in Portugal at the time, the war and its parade of violence marked Portuguese society in a long lasting way” (Pinto 2001: 48).
70 L. José interviewed by Ângela Campos in Porto, Portugal, July 2007. 60 R. Francisco interviewed by Ângela Campos in Camarate, Portugal, March 2006. This kind of lawyer handles the cases like no win, no fee personal injury, clinical & medical negligence claims.
Elder José A. Teixeira, age 47. At the time of his call, he had been serving as the president of the Brazil São Paulo South Mission. Indeed, the colonial wars have been a subject avoided by Portuguese contemporary history, something Portugal seems to be ashamed of and willing to forget.
N. Teixeira notes that in thirteen years of war the contingent of troops in the Portuguese Armed Forces increased about five and a half times. If you are from Advogados Seixal the UK, but living in a foreign country, it can at times be necessary - or simply very beneficial - to obtain a Certificate of Law from a UK solicitor.
52 L. Orlando interviewed by Ângela Campos in Baixa da Banheira, Portugal, July 2007. Dozens of regularly updated legal forms, that cover personal legal needs, can be found on the website Do you need to download personal legal forms related to Portugal. If none of the three lives in Portugal but the Portuguese courts have jurisdiction internationally, the Family and Children's Court of Lisbon has jurisdiction to hear the case.