Ricoh's Intelligent eDiscovery solutions unite deep human expertise with powerful technology to deliver exceptional results at a predictable price — and our Digital Forensics Services are no exception. While some large metropolitan police departments may have resources to hack phones themselves, the Secret Service, part of the Homeland Security Department, has become a valuable resource for law enforcement units that may not have strong enough decryption tools.
After using a competitor's device to try to extract data from it, I was disappointed in the evidence collected so I put Oxygen to cell phone forensics work and it extracted a full data set including text messages and other items that helped solidify the case against the suspect.
In a case involving the use of the Cellebrite by a Homeland Security agent, a Federal District Court wrote that the agent examined defendant's cell phone using CelleBrite software, which extracted all data (including deleted data) from the phone.” United States v. Smasal, No. 15-cr-85, 2015 WL 4622246, at 4 (D. Minn.
However, the fast changes in the mobile device market and the bulk of different devices and apps make it hard for those toolkit manufacturers to keep their solutions up-to-date, to secure that the maximum amount of data is extracted and correctly interpreted from each mobile device.
Parties in litigation seeking to prove wrongdoing often find important evidence, clues and traces by analysing activities stored on cell phones and smart devices, including contacts and their creation dates as well as when and how often certain phone numbers were called.
GTIS digital forensic team comprises of core technical and techno-legal background professional carrying years of experience and industry certification in cyber forensic investigation, and have experience to solve variety of cases related to IPR theft, corporate policy violation, child pornography, terrorism , data theft ,financial fraud and staking etc.
UFED Cloud Analyzer provides forensic practitioners with instant extraction, preservation and analysis of private social media accounts — Facebook, Twitter, Kik, Instagram — file storage and other cloud-based account content that can help speed investigations.
Although data in RAM can be extracted from all kinds of electronic systems—not just desktops, laptops, and cell phones but also network communications equipment such as wireless routers—each of these systems uses different kinds of internal software structures, so programs designed to analyze one may not work on another.
When choosing a shielding artifact like one of the above-mentioned products, it is important to enable the forensics investigator to utilize the necessary tools to complete the examination and within the shielded area of a forensics laboratory if possible.
Nearly every crime involves digital media and the size and number of devices continues to increase, however many local and state law enforcement agencies budgets are not keeping up. This work builds on a previous S&T effort by the same name which ended in 2016 and helps solve this problem by building law enforcement-focused solutions using free and open-source software.
Within days of the decision to deploy, the Cellebrite's New UFED Analytics Platform allowed both investigators and prosecutors to import and decode all extracted mobile digital forensics data from one centralized location for fast and efficient analysis.